BE Optimist : Under Pressure

 Link : Store page


A young woman seems to have the ability to make her breasts get bigger.


The video really is well made, it's well structured and with the actress's performance it all comes together well.

The acting is pretty good, the actress really sells her reaction to her growths. We see three separate growths and they are done fairly well. We also get some trademark CGI use here to help hide the fact that they are balloons, but in the third growth we see the breast form prop being used and it works fine. 

The only issue, similar to that of Wereboobs is that there are some shots that don't match due to quality, and as i said there i don't know if this is a lighting issue or a camera issue. 

This is currently the third video from BE Optimist and all so the last video for now and hopefully more content will come soon as I feel that if he can make more videos it will only get better over time.


Acting : 5 She's pretty good and sells it all well

Story : 5 It's a decent story told with flashbacks

Process : 5 We see all the growth and we get popping buttons.

SFX : 5 We get some good solid sound work and some subtle use of CGI to help sell the effect. 


A very well made video worth the purchase.

Final Score : 5


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