BE Optimist : Wereboobs


 Link : Store page


A young woman grows larger breasts and ass when the full moon comes out.


A fun video in general, a nice build up as the main character is rushing and trying to get prepared for the effects to come in. The actress does a good job but we don't see her face and we lack that emotional connection to her struggle. 

The effects are good and we get some popping buttons and also some ass growth, along with some solid sound work and a dash of CGI on the breasts so we don't see the balloons coming through. 

The one issue here is the use of cameras. Either this is due to different cameras being used or a lighting issue but when we go from some shots the visual quality drops. This is a bit distracting.


Acting : 3 She's good but not seeing her face take away the empathic connection that can really draw us in.

Story : 5 It's a fun idea and rarely used that makes this fun.

Process : 5 We see all the growth and we get popping buttons.

SFX : 5 We get some good solid sound work and some subtle use of CGI to help sell the effect. 


A decent video but let down a little by some of the camera quality at work.

Final Score : 4


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