Madzisstacked : Madz is FOOMPED

Link : Store page


Madz drinks a growth potion that causes huge growth.


So.... Madz is a creator that really came around just before the whole huge fake breast froms onlyfans/patreon/tiktok people came around. She was one  of the first i remember doing it. And she took it into the BE space which seemed logical enough. 

Mainly her videos show her via a cut/transition of some kind to show growth, normally a jump up and then the cut as she comes down with instant growth to a larger set. In later videos we get some sound effects to sell the incoming growth spurt. Here she does something different.

Here she has a new setup and it's impressive. She can now very quickly blow up her breasts to a large size almost instantaneous. It's something you have to see. In the video it only happens a couple of times but the slow motion replays are also very welcome.

Madz is somewhat of a pioneer in the BE community and this really shows you why, and also shows you what can be done with these breast forms that you can buy now.


Acting : 5 She's pretty good at it and it helps that she's really into what she makes

Story : 5 It's a decent idea and i like the Back to the Future inspiration to it.

Process : 5 We see all the growth and we get popping buttons and it's mighty impressive.

SFX : 5 We get some good solid sound work.


This is a stunning video and a milestone marker in the community.

Final Score : 5



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