Sarah Rae : Leprechaun Grants My BIG Wish

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Summary (Site summary)

Sarah finds a leprechaun and asks him to use his magical powers to help her get bigger tits and further her Hollywood career. The leprechaun agrees and helps inflate Sarah's tits into two huge balloons. He even helps her ass grow too! Sarah is super happy with her new body and thinks its good enough for the leprechaun to stop but he has other plans. He keeps ballooning up Sarah's tits bigger and bigger despite her pleas to stop until they get so big that they burst. Popping sound at end. This video is non nude.


The summary is pretty much what happens in this video, Sarah wears a blue sweater dress and starts the video with a facial closeup and is speaking to her hand. The implied leprechaun takes her wish to be younger and have a busty body. The way it's done is by fade cuts, so rather then a hard cut it just quickly fades to the next cut. This is how the process is presented, with the first growth just a mid shot of her head and the very top of her cleavage to show growth then the next a cut showing the larger size and cleavage. Really all Sarah is doing in each take pulling down the dress and stepping a bit further back or zooming out to show more. The ass expansion isn't much, it's one scene where she jiggles her rear and then you see her clearly pull up her dress to show her ass. It feels so unnecessary and she could have done that so much better. We then cut back to her full body on display and then the next stage of growth takes place. We get a good angle of the viewer looking up as she play with her breasts looking down at us. And like before the growth is done with fade cuts to the next stage of the growth. The ending is also not good. Sarah puffs her cheeks like she might be full of air which doesn't make sense for the video and then cut to black for the most disappointing pop sfx. 

What is annoying is that Sarah Rae could have made a really good video here. Her earlier BE work was really good for it's time and place and still holds up. But here it feels lazy now, granted a BE video isn't easy, there will be issues regarding the actress involved.  For Sarah she has the end result for the video, it's the portrayal of how she gets to that size that is an issue. Jump cutting is something i find so annoying. It feels lazy and just a way for the actress to skip a step. I know that Sarah can do better with that, but recently it feels like the effort has gone from these videos. 

But what hasn't gone is her skill with the dialogue, she goes all in. I could almost close my eyes and enjoy this more as an audio production then a video. This is something she's really good at and sells the story and her growth. She also has an amazing pair of breasts (as always), and the underneath upshot is actually a really good angle and not one you see in these types of videos.


Acting - 3 Dialogue wise it's great, but the rest isn't much from just general body jiggling.

Story - 3 The story is just fairly basic, but gets a bonus due to the fact that no one really does a leprechaun these days. 

Process - 1 Poor, in effect there is no process, just cuts to stages of growth, the ass expansion is just Sarah pulling up her dress. She could have done shots that had her thrust her chest out, or move her breasts from outside of shot, or even so her dress getting tighter. None of that is here, it feels very quick and lazy.

SFX - 1 No effects are used, but a sound effect of a pop for the end is used but it's a very underwhelming pop.


So it's not the most original story idea but the use of a leprechaun is rare outside of St.Patrick's day videos. It's not a good video, it could be better if Sarah spent more time on it. If she can crack how to perform the expansion she could really make some great content. Not recommended unless you are a Sarah Rae fan.

Final Score 2 




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