
 What is this all about?

For many years I've been an outsider in the inflation community, I didn't have any morphing skills, animation skills, never really tried writing, and so on. But i did check out many forms of media that was produced and is still being produced. Overtime content has come out in various forms in various states of quality and sometimes behind a fairly expensive pay wall. So i decided to make a review site that hopefully can be informative for the buyer to help make their decision on purchases, and also for the creator to see what works and doesn't work and hopefully accept some criticisms and make better content. Some content may get a poor review, that happens, and sometimes creators can get angry, I really want this to be a safe space for constructive criticism and a place where a creator can get some real feedback and improve on their work. 

The reviews will be presented firstly by a brief summary. Then the review, followed by set scores for, acting, story, process (the inflation/growth), SFX (including sound effects). These will be ranked out of 5. Then there will be a final score out of 5 with a brief recommendation.

I hope that this will be useful for customers and fans of the community, and I look forward to helping further our fetish. I will try to cover as many videos and sites as possible as it's not like I'm going to be getting review copies, but if any creators want to send me content for review you can message me here and we can sort something out.


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