BE Stories : Incantation (Audio)

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Summary (from site)

The runt of the cheerleading litter wants to give herself all powerful curves, so she makes a deal…with a demon. Assuming the cost will be something she doesn’t need like, say, her soul, she agrees to the terms…only to find this demon wants to crawl up inside her. And so the possession begins, each inch of the demon pumping up our cheerleader…bigger…and bigger…and bigger…


The audio is well performed, and the story is fine, bu it does suffer from a slow start however. What i found truly interesting was the use of a new set of SFX. When you hear the same effects over and over it can dampen the visual image you're trying to form to go with the story. The SFX soundscape was good but I had one issue and that was, is she naked or clothed? There was no clothes ripping sounds so i assume not but it was never mentioned and that was something was took me out at times. 

Previous audios really do try to mix it up but some streching sounds sound too similar to clothes stretching too. But using a new soundscape would really help address this issue. 

The voice actress Midnight Datura, does a great job, when she needs to play through the joy of her growth and the want to go bigger.

Score for Incantation

Acting : 5 Midnight Datura does well

Story : 4 The premise is good, but i think the transition from human to demon comes a bit too soon.

Process : 4 We hear the increasing growth and the powerful surges of it too.

SFX : 5 Great editing of the effects really sell it


 It's another great reason to get a sub for the audios for sure.

Final Score : 4.5



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