Buddahs Playground : Velma's Gigantic Jugs

 Link : Video

Synopsis :  From site

Velma receives call from Shaggy. The line drops half way through. He left her coordinates to where he was. Velma goes to house in woods and looks for him. While waiting drinks something that makes her boobs gigantic. She calls Shaggy and it is revealed that the evil scientist plotted this to get Velma to take breast expanding serum.

Velma’s heart was racing as she quickly ran through the dense trees and the soggy damp, moss covered ground felt like puffy marshmallows under her feet. 

 What did Shaggy mean when he left her the half voicemail? Was he in trouble? Did he find a mystery that needed to be solves ASAP?

Velma tried to remain calm as she continued to run to the coordinates that Shaggy left for her before the line disconnected.

 She finally reaches the end of the path and is winded and nervous as she opens the door. She calls for Shaggy and anxiously begins to look for her glasses that she had dropped and stepped  on during the frantic race to get there. Although her glasses are cracked and broken, they will serve her much better than nothing at all. We know her bad her eye site is without them.

 Velma eagerly awaits Shaggy’s call and listens very closely to see if she can hear anything at all.

 Oh Jinkies- Velma forgot to eat or even drink anything at all before she left the city. Her stomach growls rather loudly and she remembers seeing 2 brown bags and 2 bottles as she walked into the large, creepy house.

 She feels her way down the hall and picks up the 2 bags and 2 bottles. She tries to read the writing on the bags and drinks, but with her glasses being broken she is unable to do so. The writing just looks blurry and foggy but she assumes that it was someones lunch that they had brought.

 Why was it there? Who brought it? Why did they leave it? The entire situation is quite strange, but Velma anxiously opens the bags to see what she will be having for lunch.

 She is not happy with her choices so she decides that she will just have a drink to tide her over. After all- Shaggy will be found soon and they will be back in the city and the comfort of their own home  once again.

 Velma looks at both of the bottles and they seem to look somewhat alike. She takes a sip to see how it tastes and then drinks it down because it tasted so good. She begins feeling flush and convinces herself that she is fine and once again calls for Shaggy.

 Suddenly she feels a warm and tingling feeling in her breasts. She  peers around to make sure that there was nobody else there and then fondles them. She swears that they are getting bigger!

 What was in that drink? It was just your typical drink, right? I mean- why else would it be just sitting out on the countertop like that?

 Velma suddenly feels very strange and experiences a rush of adrenalin as her chest begins to swell larger and larger. They are getting bigger and bigger with each second that ticks by and before you know it they are HUGE now!

 How? Why? Is she going crazy? HOW could this happen to someone as intelligent as her?

She picks up her phone to call Shaggy once again. This time he picks up ( to her surprise ) and she  asks where he is and what’s going on. He explains that he has been home all day.

 Suddenly a frightening voice interrupts her and Shaggy. He gives a gruesome laugh and explains that it was all his idea. So boastful. So conniving. It can be none other than mad scientist known as Professor Indulge N. Boobs.

 He has begged and pleaded Velma to try his growth serum for years and she replies with a stern “NO!” every time.

Although Professor Indulge N Boobs will never get to see Velma's gigantic jugs YOU will today!!

Jinkies! They are huge! Vegas’s only hope is that the side effects of the serum will fade quickly before she begins her journey home.


This had promise and then proceeded to flush it down the toilet. The concept is good, a cosplay based BE video, there aren't many about but i think it's worth looking into. The video is mainly just her in front of a green screen and she doesn't do a good Velma but is dressed the part at least. It takes a while for the plot to move along and get us to the BE itself and it's some poor cg morph effects, and one of those moments has a SFX the other don't. Then its jump cut to large breasts under the shirt. Then the next major moment is her playing with herself downstairs but you don't see much of that as her skirt is in the way. 

This was an absolute waste of money and time. Looking at the other two BE clips she has this one seems to the be the best one so far so it looks like shes moving forward but she still has a mountain to climb if this is the best she is producing. 


Acting 3 : She's not the best Velma but no the worst, but she should know how to produce content on camera, and when she plays with herself and hiding it was poor. 

SFX 1 : There is one moment and then it's like an afterthought. 

Process 0 : There are some poor cg morphs to show sudden unnoticed growth but it comes across extremely amateurish and almost early dawn century cg effects

Story 4 : The only good idea here. Creators really should go into cosplay setups more


Not worth it. Really it isn't. 

Final score 1



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