EmpressOfTheNorth - 60s Housewife Cookie Stuffing POV Belly


 Link : video

Summary :

 Empress is your 1960's housewife. You're watching TV together, when a Pillsbury Cookie commercial comes on the screen. Empress gets inspired to bake you some, after eying up the size of your belly. She very quickly gets carried away, baking you dozens of cookies and encouraging you nicely to eat them. You oblige dutifully, and your belly expands before your eyes - almost completely obscuring Empress from view. She periodically measures your belly's growth, finally telling you when you've grown large enough for her, and telling you about how well you did, getting so plump.


Review :

When i bought this video I wasn't sure what i was getting. I enjoyed it, but felt a little bit let down by how they made it. 

So Empress decides to make cookies and then stuff them into you (it's a POV video) and your belly does get bigger. But rather then see the belly grow its a fade in and fade out transition for the gradual belly growth. I feel that it could have been made better, and it would have been great if there were some SFX of you eating the cookies and the sound of the belly getting fuller with swelling sounds and made some belly groans.

Empress is good in her role and she sells the fact that shes enjoying it and the encouragement is great too. 

But can i recommend it? For inflation fans, no weight gain/stuffing fans yes.


Story : 4 It's kinda fun

Acting : 5 A great job here. 

SFX : 0 None

Process : 3 Yes but done with fades


An essential video for weight gain and stuffing fans. If you came for expansion you will be disappointed.

Final score : 3.5


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