Roxanne Miller - Spiked Tea - BE

 Link : video

Summary :

My evil sister is visiting me! She is all curvy and has big boobs, while I am flat as Hungary.... we haven't spoken in a few years and all of the sudden she is visiting. I bring her tea and all of the sudden my bookshelf starts acting out and books keep on falling off of it. She takes advantage and in this time she spikes my tea with something... Somehow I feel an itch and I am restless and it feels like something is wobbling inside my chest and OMG! My skin! I can feel my skin stretching... I can heart! What has she dooooooone?


Review :

A mixed bag.

This video could have been great. It has some great dialogue from Roxanne. The way she acts and talks about the growth is great. And how she slowly seems to make the shirt she wears get tighter and not explode is amazing. 

But apart from that it kinda flounders at the end. The end is a bit of a anti climax when she just undoes some buttons reveals the tops of her breasts and its all in closeup and then the final moment is that they are still growing as the swell up to her face and then it ends. 

If she just did a bit more there at the end maybe have the shirt go and then play with her breasts for a moment and then work in that final image with them swelling up in her face and then end with a bang or pop SFX as it is implied, or not that would be up to her. 

The one thing that her videos lack when it comes to BE is SFX, one of two have some but it doesn't work well. But now that she's not working by herself and has at least some sort of team they should look into this as this video would have really benefited from it. The growth itself, the stretching shirt, the straining buttons, maybe some stitch popping, and bra straining could all have been added for enhanced effect. 

Maybe a special edition can be made....hint.....hint


Story : 4 Story was fine.

Acting : 5 Roxanne really is more into it now then from before

SFX : 0 None

Process : 3 Technically no, but her shirt kinda does get tighter as we go through but you have to pay attention.


A decent video when there's not much better out there. I can recommend it, but it just kinda crosses that line.

Final score : 4


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